
The image...

@dwhita16: Damn, that's awesome. Have a cookie.

@james-42: Give him supercancer.

I want it.

They aren't cheesy, they're Cool Original!

Sees post: What will it be?

@lance.uppercut: Flun. Flame + Run. You could do that, or charge around shooting as a Heavy, before becoming more tactical.

@lance.uppercut: Start as Pyro. W+M1 for a bit, learn the objectives of the game while you're there, then try other classes. That's what I did and I dare say I'm not bad a TF2.

@Zaptagious: Telltale aren't too good at lipsynch.

The PS2 is still a good console. I need to go play mine. It needs love.


@D-K: Legend of Zelda: Lego to the Past

@thebergs2010: You... you got peanut butter in my chocolate...