
Nah, Lockjaw’s toilet trained. He uses the Sahara.

It wouldn’t be that hard to bring them back into SHIELD - once Hive is taken down, people can make up whatever stories they want about being controlled by him or whatever, so then the international incident can be knocked down a few pegs.

Bring then back to AoS. The reason they had to left was stupid anyway.

“All the BS market testing, geek pandering and “darkening” can’t make up for just getting the fuck out of the way and letting the heroes be who they are.”

Yeah, I think that will be the real test for BvS- Will Civil War exceed its profits, and if so by what margin? If Civil War does as well or slightly lower than BvS, WB will continue with Snyder. If Civil War crushes BvS, WB will probably go into panick mode.

Completely and totally unsurprising.

Superman literally saves all life on Earth. Is “irresponsible careless jerk.”

Now playing

So if you go and rewatch Justice League War I think they come up with both a plausible easily explainable introduction of the Justice league and have them meet but they also have some Batman vs Superman action that isn’t completely dumb.

Ok, here’s one that’s been bugging me. A key plot point in this movie (indeed the basis for Luthor’s entire ‘plan’) is that Superman will find Lois whenever she’s in trouble, even if its miles and miles away. Seriously, it happens twice. First time when she’s in Africa and then when Luthor tosses her off the building

Aside from the general wrongness of having Batman be so murder-happy, it raises the question of why the Joker is still around. If Batman is going to kill anybody, it seems like the Joker would be his first kill. Assuming Suicide Squad takes place after BvS, that means the Joker has been around for at least a while,

I agree with a lot of this, but you did get one thing wrong:

Honestly it felt more like they just said, “You remember when you were Mark Zuckerberg? Be that, with a dash of “I’ll kill your mom” and crazy.”

One moment that was crazy was on the balcony after the Senate bombing, SadClark was sadly telling Lois that he’s living his father’s dream but the Kents are massive, selfish assholes in this Murderverse.

Nope! He decides he should lead Doomsday back downtown to the spear. (At least the movie takes a second to say that downtown Metropolis is devoid of people, because as we all know every single person leaves the downtown area of every major metropolitan city at about 9pm.

Just so the real Jimmy Olsen could show up just to die!

When you think about it, your explanation actually makes MORE sense than what was shown.

He wanted to get the “passive” agressiveness out of the way so he could go all “Fuck you Zack Snyder” aggressive, where he SHOULD be.

Can you tell me something else super-disturbing about Zack Snyder that perfectly represents everything that is wrong with him and his

Well, it won all the Oscars that year, right? I still vividly remember Optimus Primes acceptance speech where he spoke on the plight of the endangered scraplet.