That review was beautifully written! Almost as good as your Sax playing, and quite surprising after listening to your intial impressions on splitscreen
That review was beautifully written! Almost as good as your Sax playing, and quite surprising after listening to your intial impressions on splitscreen
I actually had the same thought. For a second I thought “it must be the PC version” then I remembered that it’s not out yet. Curious...
What is your favorite videogame OST of all time?
Why do you guys hate me?
We’re do you see Kotaku in 5 years?
I completely agree, I think this is the best Link design in a long time.
The will launched with Twilight Princess, so it definitely had a Zelda game at launch. Wii sports was the draw for most people but Zelda helped.
I want to be disappointed about the lack of NX at E3, but they just announced that it will all be about Zellda Wii U!! No other playable games. That leads me to believe they are extremely confident in this game and has me very excited.
As someone who lived in south west Florida for too long. I agree with the 8 months summer. Does it matter what month or season it is supposed to be, when it’s 90+ degrees with 100% humitudy?
So it gonna be awkward when you beat the game, get to the gates of heaven, and Kanye has made himself God.....
I agree it is a wonderful score, Howard shore really brought the wold of middle earth to life Through his music. I studied it pretty in depth when I was in my school. I reccomend this book if you have any music theory knowledge. It really delves into his thought process behind most of the score in the first trilogy.…
I agree with him that his health needs to come first, but if you want to be seen as an equal with other sports statments and issues like this are a actually damaging to esports claim at legitimacy . You would never hear a pro football player utter these words publicly and if they did they would be met with unpleasant…
Sorry to hear your having so many issues. One of the things I like most about my Wii u is it works with little hassle. I hope you understand that youR problem is not common and far from an indictment of poor build quality. Both the other companies you mentioned have far more issue when it comes to console build…
Control your TV like it always has.....
RIP Iwata-san .
RIP indeed.. He will be missed.
RIP Iwata.
First off they can complain all they want, it’s the asking the producer of the game to stop making the game that comes off as entitlement. Because they don’t like a spinoff of their favorite franchise it shouldn’t exist at all? That is entitlement. So I wasnt complaining, I was just stating the obvious. What's even…
As i said to the first commenter who corrected me, that just makes it worse.