Shift, Command, 3 For the entire screen.
Shift, Command, 3 For the entire screen.
I just Picked up a $50 and a $20. Getting Mario 3d world for me and my son and will still have a little left over for a Virtual Console game or two. Not including the digital promotion from Nintendo I think I made out well..
I would be very surprised if there isn't another proper 3d Mario in the works. This is more a fun appetizer t hat gives them a Mario game on the system for this holiday which they desperately need. I bet once this and WW HD drops more details start rolling out about the proper installments. This is all obviously…
I agree, I'm not sure what their reasoning behind not having SNES and 64 games on the 3DS is. I really think if the system can run it, it should be cross compatible on both. However I do understand them locking a game with such a strong and outspoken following on their struggling console. The 3DS has no real need of…
Right now there is not cross play for VC games and I believe it was only announced for the WII U. I don't think any Super Nintendo games have hit the 3DS at all.
They are separate but in the fine print of the deal I believe it said you can use it for both systems
I hope so! I can't wait to finally play this series. I downloaded it to play on my PSP years ago and just never got around to it.
In one sentence I went from elated to deflated.
I totally agree, I expected more from the guy who designed the system.
I dont remember posting a question, I do remember posting an opinion. If your talking about the guy with all of his comparison videos directed at those saying this looks no better then PS3 then no that is not directed at me. I have never said that. It is obvious there is more going on here than current-gen but I still…
I never said I couldn't tell the difference I said I was underwhelmed by what has been shown and I hope in person I'm a little more impressed, I stand by that comment. Sure the water is noticeably better and the main character is made of a bunch of tiny individual pieces with there own physics. you would have to be…
I totally agree, I want more immersive and interactive experiences. Huge living worlds, better animation, and physics. I find it funny that so many developers are moving in a direction that takes away the biggest thing videogames have to offer- interactivity. Games like New Vegas show you can tell a cool story without…
No worries man I get it. There are a lot of people just being stupid with there this looks like PS3 bullS#$t. Even with a bad camera job it is obvious there is way more going on in these games than current Gen. I am just really underwhelmed I know in time that will change. I'm just used to drooling over new hardware…
Your right Project spark looks awesome I hope it pans out. Watchdogs looks to be truly amazing but it's not really next-gen considering it's on all console but I digress. I'm just happy there are "some" new ideas coming out of the bigger studios and not just portables and Indies. Ubisoft especially looks to be…
They said one run and done. I pre-ordered mine last night! I is just a amazing looking package and the only guide I have ever bought for a Zelda game was MM.
I totally agree, move on nothing to see here...
It also looked like good fun which is a huge plus. I like shiny new stuff but I want new experiences more than anything. There are certain genres I cant even play anymore because it feels like I'm re-treding the same ideas over and over.
That does look awesome and indeed shows much more polish than most the First and second party offering on both systems. I was more underwhelmed with Knack's gameplay (which I realized I didn't really express well) it just looked really uninspired (the guy playing didn't help one bit). I hope as more footage is…
I think you are brushing past the fact that I said that "I know launch titles never come close to the potential of a system." Not to mention with the 360 launch we where at least seeing games like Oblivion and Mass Effect in action to get an idea of what Next gen was about. Also the guy who designed the PS4 is making…