
Serious question: What is a "Trade Pool"?

Well if that's the case, he definitely won't be missed in Seattle. Things will change in New York, where Geno Smith will definitely miss him plenty of times on a weekly basis.

They're the Miami Heat fans of soccer.

The selfie needs to be dragged out into the woods, tied to a tree, and pelted in the face with rocks until it dies a slow painful death.

Dallas hasn't provided security this bad since 1963.

I was at the game, and I was quite honestly shocked and ashamed by the number of fans who did this as well as those in the stands who seemed to be encouraging it. The security seemed to purposely do nothing about it which meant there was no deterrent for more people to keep doing it. I heard one person near me say,

I'm with you, but don't forget the players vote on this stuff in the CBA. This is also about vets trying to keep collecting those checks.

The issue is that for every Brandon Jennings there's a Jeremy Tyler. I certainly hope this works out for Mudiay, but it's a lot riskier than college.

He's not the first; Eddy Curry buffeted several NBA setbacks at a Chinese place.

It appears that the cheese puns have run their course...unless...dairy post any more?

Not to say anything you're saying was wrong, but don't you find something cheesy about Snoop's post? Like maybe he was trying to start a cottage industry around this story? Because no offense, I think that when it comes to grasping the point of his post, you mighta bleu it.

But let's be fair - sometimes, a bunt single is all you can muenster. I'm sure he would have loved to have bleu it out of the ballpark, but sometimes, that's just not meant to brie.

You guys are really milking this.

Here you are making jokes about it like some kind of muenster

I type on my phone all the damn time and manage to not make egregious errors in grammar and spelling, because I'm Gen X and don't rely upon technology to make words for me. You only succeeded in making a point for the other side with pretty much everything about that post. Namely, that Gen Y is hopelessly dependent

So your excuse for bad spelling, was that you were too lazy to type it out when you are bitching about how lazy others are... good job genius.

At least we know how to spell and use proper grammar. Better get back to social studies class, kid.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Miami-Dade County...

Look on the bright side, Miami fans. At least the bond is AAA rated.