
One might assume that you’re not trying to understand, either.

This doesn’t have enough stars.

The punishment for having a bag of heroin is not execution. The police officer doesn’t not have the ability to sentence people to death, so why should we shrug it off when they carry out death sentences for crimes where FINES can be paid?

Or, maybe, you don’t immediately try to crowd out the victimization of the woman who struggled through the storm with empathy for the reporter who blew it. There will be plenty of time for reflection about how the reporter can do a better job. Doing it while the victim is still wet makes it hard for me, and many

She wouldn’t be the first person to say something problematic shortly before an exciting event in her life. I think she would say Venus, who has not given birth, is a real woman. Now, if she said that “only real women give birth,” I’d be disappointed in her. She only referred to herself as a real woman after birth,

God bless you for the work you put in here. I had to leave a meeting to laugh appropriately at this.

Is that a royal “we?” They’re not going to carve “V. Williams (even though she didn’t beat anybody)“ on the trophy. She has an auto-immune disease. The fact that she still competes at all is impressive alone. That she is in the final is quite an achievement, even if you’re not impressed.  

My point is that none of that is in Venus’ control. She beat the players that were in front of her. You get to be a grand slam champion if you win seven matches in a row. You don’t get any consideration for where they’re ranked. When it’s all said and done, you get to be the champion no matter how “great” (or not

You play the people in your draw. She would have had to play at least the 4th seed, but Halep lost round one.

Needs more stars.

This totally made me hot.

It sure would be nice if you could get more white people to argue over racist stuff. I mean, it's not like black people arguing about it with them has done any good.

I just gave up my Nexus 5 for an iPhone 6 (now 6s) a month ago, like right before the news of the 5x came out. I feel like my high school girlfriend/love of my life got a divorce a month after I got married.

How does one milk a coma? I mean, if you’re in a coma, all the sympathy you get you deserve.

Mee-Yow. You can join Taylor’s band of besties, but you’ll always be on her stage, she’ll never come to yours.

You. Fuck right off. What was Sanders doing to “save” black people that he should no longer try? The idea that treating black people with respect is somehow a benevolent benefit is what keeps us in this same holding pattern. Equality is for everyone, and the notion that we need to be saved rather than treated equally

Who gets to decide if Bernie is a better candidate for black people? I would think that black people are capable of deciding that on our own. If Bernie Sanders wants to be that candidate, shouldn’t he address our concerns as WE see them, and not as he interprets them?

Everyone should read this book. Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird serves as the moral compass of white people in America when it comes to racism. He is one of literature’s most beloved characters because he is linear and one-dimensional. He allows people to believe that we always live up to our principles. He

Nixon wore pants suits. When he was wearing pants, anyway.

I added the code and it came to $19.49 and not $16.

I added the code and it came to $19.49 and not $16.