Brandon Harripersaud

Amazing. Cannot wait the second half of the season

Best episode of the season. Every sketch had me laughing.

I'm trying to figure out how this season is going to end. Besides a giant war, something's gotta give

This was a great episode. I'm glad this show just seems to be getting better and better. But seriously, where was Raven?

The females characters (even though I hold a strong disdain for Laurel [RIP SARA]) have been the strongest and most compelling part of this season thus far. Hope to see this continue.

This show is amazing! Trying to get everyone I know to watch it

Best comedy on television

That morgue sketch really jerked me around.


This episode gave me the most WTF laughs

Looks like another Emmy for Claire Danes.

I've done more cocaine than you weigh motherfucker!

So Firestorm next week

Still pouring one out for Happy Endings.

This is one of the best pilots I have ever seen.

This sounds like something I'll love.

Great fucking episode

What? I was absolutely dying of laughter at this episode. Every sketch, sans the guy who laughs at everything except the punchline had me reeling.

It makes me sadder because now that means Laurel is gonna become Black Canary

RIP Clone Wars. Never forget