Youth Culture Forever


A "You Stupid Bitch" reprise would have been fun. But at the same time I think (from Rebecca's side of things anyway) they are gonna just let her enjoy her momentary bliss before the show takes it away (again).

Better than Pocahontas but not as good as The Lion King.

Yeah it's weird. I honestly wish I had more to say besides I'm here for you and I (kinda) understand, but I don't. Attraction is just a weird nebulous thing and I stopped trying to make sense of it a while ago. If I had advice I'd just say just like what you like and fuck the people that would shame you for it.

I think she's a pretty woman but I'm also gay so I'm probably not the best person to ask :P I get what you mean about feeling uncomfortable because of articles like this (or rather, the response to articles like this) because , well I'm really only attracted to big guys. For me, the negative responses almost always…

I don't even have boobs and all I could think about was the potential back problems from this performance.

Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury is currently making over 3 million views. The only other songs on her channel to reach a million views is the Sexy Getting Ready Song and Historically Accurate Disney Song.

Don't worry Picklematrix if you die early I'll frame it like a suicide and tell the media it was due to the unjust cancellation of Crazy Ex-Girfriend. *Thumbs up* we'll get our show back buddy.

You know, for such a lonely woman she makes friends REALLY easily.

If this show gets cancelled we should all mail the CW "Ever" rocks in protest and solidarity. That worked for Reaper right?

That are allergic to shirts. Bless him.

This may be a dumb question but what exactly is a greek chorus?

This show is all too relatable when it comes to obsessive crushes. The crawling back at the slightest hints of affection, constantly telling yourself there's something more when really he just wants to be friends….

Textastrophe just works so much better.

I never needed to do that because I have friends. I definitely have friends.

I'm hoping they start developing her more. After all she wasn't introduced as an uber bitch. At one point she did want to be genuine friends with Rebecca. Must suck to have one of your (seemingly few) friends just hang out with you so they can get your boyfriend.

Also it's California. There are TONS of ways to get to the beach.

This show can't end till every cast member has dueted West Covina with Rebecca!

Are we talking the animal bear or the gay bear? Cause if it's the animal then you've lost my interest.

Instead of carrying around spears weapons they can just tie a zombie head to a stick and swing it around like a flail.