Youth Culture Forever

Replace some words (director with writer, movie with show) and you just described Ryan Murphy!

He's contractually required to.

I always forget about The New Normal. That show is bad even by Ryan Murphy standards.

If there's one positive thing about this show is that unlike every other Ryan Murphy vehicle, it starts out completely horrible. That way you don't waste your time watching a shit ton of following episodes wondering "what ever happend to the show the Pilot presented us?"

2.Late Refistration
3.College Dropout
4/5. Yeezus/808's (They are both great albums I just have to be in the right mood to listen to them.
6.Graduation (I'm always skipping songs on this album. His other ones I can listen all the way through but I really only like about half the songs on this one).

Definitely "Touch the Sky" and "Diamonds from Sierra Leone". "Gold Digger" is so much fun to listen to. Really this album just had some of the strongest singles from him (again, second to MBDTF). I also have a soft spot for "Hey Mama" (although it's kinda sad in retrospect)

I don't know man. I'm betting Tobias is gonna be the Bill of The Walking Dead Universe considering he's already trying to defend himself.

"most of the characters just seemed to be completely OOC, to play up whatever ridiculous plot point the episode was based on."

"Ladies of the World" since no one else has mentioned it.

Effects so beautiful it could be a TV Movie.

Apparently they're making a spin-off movie about Naruto's son, Boruto.

I for one am still excited for the Cowboy Bebop movie.

So what you're saying is we are getting closer and closer to a gritty Steamboat Willie adaption?

Womp womp.

I got weirdly sad when Steven didn't get to eat his sandwich. He always puts so much thought and care into the foods he makes even when it's a mostly random combination (see: Together Breakfast). Honestly, if Steven wasn't a gem he'd probably grow up to be a chef or something. (Copy/Paste: He can be two things!)

You misspelled Garnet.

"He's not gonna like that it's square."

Such is fate.

Can you tell me which channel I will enjoy the most?

Probably because both Amethyst and Garnet get along with Steven really well. Sugilite is just way to chaotic at the moment (personally I'm hoping Nicki Minaj (or a good impersonator) will come back to give Sugilite a bit of redemption as I'd really like to see Sugilite be a regular part of the gems fusion arsenal).