Youth Culture Forever

"Yo, I heard you like ghosts so we gave your ghost his own ghost so he can be haunted while he haunts."

I think it makes sense (at least on paper) as a marketing tactic. For some reason it seems to only be applied to really shitty horror films though.

Yours don't?

The DVD's are depressingly lacking when it comes to special features. They don't even have commentaries.

Alex Pettyfer is the closest to a human embodiment of the color beige.

I think they were mentioned at some point at the beginning of the season? However since the end of season 1 they've just been kind of this vague yet menacing group. They've been talked about a few times almost seemingly just to remind people that they were still there.

Well when Delphine returns next season with the strange ability to spit acid at her enemies we'll know.

I loved dance party too but thinking back it felt very special-event. Like they were saying look what we can do. I still found it enjoyable but I think the dinner is way better.

It was Mark who called him out on it if I remember correctly.

For some reason I'm really glad Neolution is being set up as the big villain group for next season. It feels like complicating things while somehow at the same time bringing us back to square one.

It really felt like a technical achievement while at the same time not trying to shove it in our faces that it was an achievement unlike a certain other event. (*cough cough* clone club dance party *cough cough)

I hadn't realized how much I missed Art until now. He brings a levelheaded calmness to the show while everyone else gets swept up in the various mysteries. Even if he isn't given much to do from now on I hope he stays cause I feel like that's an important role in it's own way.

I thought it was funny because it wasn't really a surprise more of a "of fucking course they're behind this."

I loved the split second where Sarah and Felix were both just shocked he actually managed to kick down the door. Felix doesn't get to be badass often but he really should be.

Hopefully Krystal becomes more of a part of the ensemble so she can join next season finale's clone hangout.

I miss her friendship with Yoga Jones. I hope they made up off-screen after the whole Vee thing.

Edited and thanks for catching that. If I'm gonna be completely honest I didn't really know what it was called.

This isn't leading to another "Is this show in Canada or America or Americanada argument is it?

God help anyone that dates Helena's children.

Even if the preview from last week hadn't shown Helena walking out of the building with a bloody paper guillotine, I would still have started counting the seconds to their inevitable demise.