Youth Culture Forever

Doesn't Tyler go missing like every season?


I feel like objectively I should say Breaking Bad, but I enjoy watching Orphan Black much more than I ever did Breaking Bad.

Or polite gentleman!

Anytime Bonnie's not on screen Enzo should be asking, where's Bonnie?

Tell me there's at least Man Ass!

Cartoon Lizzie MacGuire

It's like AV Club gets off on being withholding.

But did they pass the black bechdel test?

I've never been a big fan of Tyreese but seriously why does everyone that's somewhat nice on this show die. Do the writer's not understand that you can be a pragmatic and skillful survivor but also not a complete asshole?

That episode pissed me off because the showed proved MANY times before that point that she worked just as hard as everyone else.

is for friends who do stuff together.

Is this episode worth the ironic A discussed last episode?

Today was a bad day to quit drinking.

To be fair, way back when that was portrayed to show just how depraved Isobel was and show just how dark compulsion could be.

I hate these white savior films. I live in Missouri so I'll probably be seeing loads of statuses about how "uplifting" and "inspiring" this movie is, when really the only thing is doing is reinforcing shitty stereotypes. It's such a weird way of letting white-suburban folks think they're progressive or something while

We had Hughesnet for over a year and I had set my family's account to autopay so anytime a bill came through it just went through my account. Anyway when we cancelled our service we sent the box back but because it was on satellite we had to call someone to come get that. After a few weeks of no one coming out to come


Go to your room, Internet!