Youth Culture Forever

Ugh 50 Shades. If ever there was an adaption that needed to be completely changed from the source material it would be that one. Interestingly from the exerts I've been reading from a Chapter by Chapter review all you'd really need to do is tweak it a little and you could legitimately have a thriller about

Next big trend is *pulls random cards against humanity card* BEES?

It's like a group of pretentious hipsters came up with the name of the factions.


*bitches sue to proceed*

One of them will have a black or gay (I say or cause we can't have both) friend so that way we will still put a checkmark on our diversity box!

Add a cute kid appeal character (Lolicon) and we have a deal!

Well we didn't specify any kind of minority. So that obviously means white right?

Don't forget to add another cute but vaguely different girl so we can create a love triangle and therefore sell loads of Team X or Team Y merchandise.

I don't really have an answer for this (Still a virgin here) but I just wanna say how awesome the Oversharing Corner has been for me. As a gay guy who's only just came out, is only 20, and has only known about two other gay men (and only about four LGBT people in general) in my life these posts have been pretty much

Figures the season I decided to quit on is the season they actually decided to utilize my favorite character (Bonnie). Second favorite character (Caroline) for that matter too. So I'm guessing this season is actually worth catching up with?

I have no ragrets listenin' to Kid Rock.

As the AV Club God intended.

*Insert dick joke here*

Roger, Roger.

Helena would probably be devastated. Cosima is so far the only person (aside from Kira) to show her complete kindness, with no ulterior motives, right from the start.

Not helping is that they picked exactly the wrong time to introduce him. It stopped the plot dead in it's tracks. They honestly should have waited till the beginning of season 3 to introduce him and probably found a better way to get him involved into the mix.

Spoiler: I'm disappointed now.

Is that really any different from how Kirk Cameron usually looks?

I thought Obama was the devil.