Youth Culture Forever

I'm not sure about laziest joke but The Starving Games had to be one of the laziest looking movies I've ever seen. I probably could have grabbed a camcorder and just filmed me and my friends and it would have looked (and been) better than that movie.

If it makes you feel any better I don't think many people even heard about Best Night Ever. I haven't heard anyone talk about it at least. Then again I didn't even know The Starving Games existed till I saw it on Netflix.

Spoiler: God was inside us all along!

The only thing that bothered me where the hospital scenes (That room was way to decorated to be in a hospital) and the fact that Madoka's house just seems to have a fuckton of chairs everywhere.

Do you have any good anime recommendations? After never watching anime for years I finally got around to watching Madoka Magica and it was fantastic! I decided to watch the Monogatari series next since I loved SHAFT's art style. I can't say I'd honestly recommend it (It's very dialogue heavy with a lot of wordplay

Dave becomes a truly great character when the writers realize he works best as the butt-monkey of the group.