
“Tillie certainly saw Matt and Sweat as people instead of numbers or packages”

Incredible. I imagine this deal has raised eyebrow across the league.

So many parenthesis.

You will just have an African Cup situation where the players leave for a month or “get injuried” until their team is out.

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or lower prices. I used to be a die hard maglite fan, but they have not kept up with modern LED technology at all. Their LED torches suck compared to the competition.

As a scoutmaster and seeing kids buy mags

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or

A big part of what makes the TT awesome is what makes it unacceptable. I have nothing but admiration for the riders, but I believe that the toll is just too high.

The umpire is there to maintain order and ensure a game goes off without issue.

Great. You figured out a college kid got into a bar. He’s the first one ever apparently in your brain.

thats a clothing donation bin for a local charity......its taking up half the stall so really the truck was just doing its best.

I’ve thought that Liverpool’s bluster, the sheer balls to strut about like you’re the best club in the world while you’re usually closer to 10th than 1st

As a Cowboys fan and Liverpool supporter, I’d say the best comparison is to the Cowboys.

And you sound like a snide cunt.

The fact is that Phil Thompson is among most decorated team captains in the history of English club football and the author couldn’t be arsed to get his name right. That tells you everything you need to know about the worth of the comment contained in the article.

“it is by no means the normal pundit hyperbole to call him one of the best young players in Europe”

Who is “Phil Johnson”? Perhaps you’re referring to former Liverpool Captain Phil Thompson?

I guess I could go on and on about what an ignorant tosser you are, but you’ve already done it for me.

Sterling put himself in this mess. Many players leave clubs purely for money and do so in a way that doesn’t ostracize themselves from the clubs they are leaving. This is entirely his fault.

If he were good enough to be an All-Star, he’d be wearing a Royals uniform.

I think you’re confusing baseball with football.

How about the kid he kneed in the face?

“Ball 4”

Yeah, give it to the guys who paid the bribes and then got double-crossed!