I am thinking of the Premier League and how they always do this. Works out amazing every time.
I am thinking of the Premier League and how they always do this. Works out amazing every time.
You've drawn an extremely false equivalence here.
Sorry, but this a stupid comment. He had no chance at that ball.
Crimea river
Can I join this newly-found best friend hype-train? I agree with all aforementioned comments.
This league isn't joke.
You are so fucking annoying about MLS.
Was average in above average team, Real. Obviously e appeared better than he actually is. Ozil is another example.
"It wasn't a dangerous challenge, it only caused a compound fracture! Get up you pansy!"
I'd argue that he's "really good". "Really average" would be more appropriate.
You could argue that his career needed one.
Are the Rangers built on an ancient Indian burial ground or something???
it's not unusual to be loved by anyone.
What in the actual fuck. Craig last? Top 10 easy. Doesn't matter he's a relatively new arrival.
Man, I think Craig is hilarious. Otherwise, solid list.
Plenty of time for him to resurrect his career.
At least those slaves didn't die for nothing. Game on!
He's not dead; he's just ground beef.
The cow is perfectly fine. He was checked out on the sidelines and was back in the next series.
Turns out she lost a child fairly recently, and that van was the family's sole mode of transportation. So you can understand her anger.