

You spelled "more" wrong.

Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.

Ended LFC's season.

I blame the caddy. He obviously didn't give Tiger the yardage.

Sub in Dalton here to receive stars.

So Baylor is opening an extension campus at DFW's AA terminal?

I'm liking this even though you didn't read everything on offer.

Like any good drunk, he waited till the day AFTER the Super Bowl to do this.

And damn. He LEVELED Lockette. Ouch.

We finally have conclusive proof that while marijuana may not make you kill people, it does at the very least make you do a shitty shitty job of it.

In his opening statement, Hernandez's defense attorney argued that the object could have been anything, including an iPad, iPhone, or remote.

Accomplice: Ok Aaron, in and out, no evidence. We hit the target, and leave.

Looks just like Milo in THE MASK after he puts the mask on

Good. I'm glad you liked it. Glad. You. Liked. It.

It was Brett Favre. Brett Favre fucked the footballs, and they lost air. With his tiny penis.

That's why you post a video in your Facebook feed, Russ, then nobody from the NFL will ever see it.

Another stupid, bullshit Gawker blog headline....

Running Alone Through Snow For 135 Miles Is Harder Than It Sounds

Nice to see someone from Highland Park land on their feet.