With all that's gone on this year you'd think Baltimore players would know better than to hit a bitch.
With all that's gone on this year you'd think Baltimore players would know better than to hit a bitch.
Yeah, but he can't throw a ball.
According to the CBS Smash Hit Show "Criminal Minds", cutting protein out of someone's diet is a common practice of cults because it inhibits cognitive function and makes them more controllable.
that's connecticut
This girl seems like a pretty unbelievable catch.
Love the "point" afterward. Plays it off nicely and looks intimidating as fuck.
Did I just use "whom" correctly?
Anybody else wondering how he had a ticket for the game?
Silver may be an innovator, but the NFL already has this. And I have to admit, I do get some pleasure out of seeing the Jaguars compete against pro teams.
I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:
Imo whoever has the dogtags, gets the credit.
It is really shitty that you will get all the stars just because you are in the black. 10 people said the same thing before you, but you steal the stars.
Oh please. If someone handed me even $10,000 when I was 21 there was no way I would have managed it correctly. And probably the first thing I would have done would have asked my dad "What would be the smart thing to do with this?" I think that in Hockey and Baseball and to a lesser extent Football we tend to forget…
I could be wrong, but I think he's saying he's not expecting to still be around in 2022, when the World Cup will be in the USA or Qatar.
It's a good thing Konrad had been a Dolphin. If he had been a Jet, they'd probably still be looking for him.
They just beat Real.
They have the absolute best Brazilian, the absolute best Argentine and the absolute best Uruguayan.
I talked to some Broncos players who said Manning was throwing more picks in practice in the past six weeks than at any other time.
"He just didn't look like 18 out there."
That's why they play the game!! To, you know, have it hinge upon a subjective evaluation of rules so densely worded, if the words were layers of the Earth's crust, there'd be a diamond at the bottom of them.