Brandon Clark Wilson

I don't care if these pics are inaccurate representations of the night sky... they make a sweet set of dark desktop backgrounds!

Half effective? WTF? Last time I checked I don't think you can be "Half-Pregnant". It is either effective or not.

Why does it always look like gravity gets stronger right before somebody snaps a pic of a group of girls?

That ain't nothin... Go to Holland sometime. They'll show you how to reclaim land from the sea.

To the author: The medical establishment can be frustrating at times and amazing at others. I am glad to hear that after all this frustration and heartache you now have a diagnosis. Here's to hoping for a cure to this terrible ailment. Best wishes to your family!

The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor, the last free kingdom of men. His war on this country will come swiftly.

"Yeah, but ideally, Yoko woulda jumped in front of John. ;)"

So the Giz story I read right before I saw this one was talking about prisoners hiding phones in their cornholes.

There are about a gazillion uses for serial connections other than "old-school" 1995 era hardware. I'd love to be able to program a Cisco switch/router via a serial connection from my iPad for example. :)

The earth's spin isn't necessarily the sole cause for the magnetic field - but it does play a contributing factor. I found this little tidbit on a NASA site that you might find interesting:

@djgucci528: To be tidally-locked means to say that the same side of the planet is always facing its sun. Much like earth's moon is tidally locked with earth. We can only ever see the same side of our moon as it rotates around the earth. Since one side of Gliese 581a is always facing the star and the other is always

The big problem with this new "habitable" planet is the fact that it is tidally locked with its star. This creates the obvious problem of hot and cold sides. However an even bigger problem for sustaining life is the fact that since it doesn't spin. No spin = no magnetic field to deflect the intense solar radiation,