brandon brindle

His point about chickens in 6 weeks is really dumb. I have not seen the film, but the birds now raised for meat have much higher growth rates and require much less in terms of inputs (feed, energy, water, etc) to get them to the table. That is good for everyone. It is much better for the environment. The FCR for

>Reality shows, biopics, and even a scripted drama on NBC all helped keep the myth alive, ensuring that “Hugh Hefner” was always waiting in the cultural lexicon when someone needed to describe a particular breed of sexually-fixated older man.

Long term sustained revenue is high taxes on everyone. If you look to Europe, you will see that higher rates kick in a much lower income levels. This maximizes revenue because rich people are hit harder in downturns than poor and working people. Taxing only the rich means that you end up in a Connecticut situation if

No one wants to live there though. None of the employees at google or amazon want to live in the Midwest. The weather sucks. They are far from everything. The historic reasons for people living in these cities are long gone. The importance of the lakes, the lack of air conditioning, the historic industry, and

Odds are the same.

Odds of triple tie on the wheel are (1/20)^2, or 1/400 (odds of first spin are 1/1 and then it is 1/20 chance of matching that and 1/20 chance of matching again). Odds of specific triple tie are (1/20)^3, or 1/8000. This was more notable because it happened at the right time where the bonus was 10x the normal rate.

The design had problems, but the reactors at this plant continued running after the incident with reactor No. 4. No. 1 had a problem years before, though it was brought back online and ran for years and years. Another one (I believe it was No. 2, though not sure) had a fire in the early 1990s and went permanently

But we don’t consider them “nerdy.” I mentioned videos of railroad signals in another comment. People are into that. Guys. Only guys. It is nerdy as hell, but modern “nerd”-ism does not entail it. People want nerd to mean what it meant 20 years ago, but with cachet instead of ridicule. “Nerd” and “geek” have become

You can find shows as soon as they end on streaming sites. Pirates work fast. I have missed a show at 7pm only to watch the stream 15 minutes after it ended.

They actually can. Sort of. Imaging techniques appear to be capable of doing it. The methods have not been verified though.

When everyone is a nerd, no one is. The word has no meaning. it is used to create a sense of otherness that does not exist. “They” are nerds in a bad way. “We” are nerds in a good way. It is a bunch of bulldoody. It really needs to stop. You are not special for seeing Star Wars or Batman. The movies gross hundreds of

To discourage drivers from going around the barrier arms when they are down. These are not often seen in the US, though other countries use them a lot. You can easily drive through them. they are not intended to stop cars.

Error or another train just passed on the second set of tracks. Probably the second case. The gates are automated. They are run with sensors and computers and a bit of magic.

It is a railroad gate, not a concrete wall of indeterminable thickness.

I think that small rewards could work, though they could not readily be offered by anyone who could benefit from this system. That is the bigger problem. The company has no real benefit other than the potential of failed goal money coming in. They don’t get the benefits of the supposed health gains. Companies or

Sharing password with access to LAN seems very undesirable. An isolated guest network is the way to go. Most router stock firmware will set it up easily.

None of this stuff is “nerdy.” It is as mainstream as you can get. Nerd as an idea died out in the late 1990s as internet, tech, and comic properties became totally mainstream.

You are wrong. You don’t know what you are talking about. You can’t even begin to discuss cost effectiveness of care (you don’t even know what it is). It is beyond your level of knowledge and understanding. Just admit it. You can’t describe the basic system of health care in any country. Not one. You proved it with

Funny how you can’t point out anything that is wrong. But that is your life, right? A fucking loser with a Humanities BA who is not always right, but never wrong. And you understand health care, right? Because you just do. Single payer! Be like Europe.