brandon brindle

Sony was probably worse. In that attack, Sony's data was being pilfered for months. Then the people compromising Sony launched a malware attack that infected the network and tried to burn everything down. The software deleted the MBR on systems and wiped files sector by sector on local and network drives. It shut

This was not a general communication exercise. The point of the experiment was to have an "AI" system that could negotiate (and it is apparently very sophisticated). Value for each item (books, balls, and hats) were assigned (why "balls" can "have 0 to me"). The two participants were supposed to negotiate,

Written words are tools to represent language. Nothing more. Abbreviating a word is not the same as altering one to create a new sound.

Yeah, facts and knowledge are too much for you. You have a BA in English and lots of feels. You are a truly a genius and can speak on any topic!

He is probably right.

Wonderful English. Marjoribanks and Featherstonehaugh other examples of names pronounced nothing like the way they are written.

Except it is not. Sex (not gender) differences between males and females include aggression and emotional response, which are aspects of "toughness". These differences are not cultural either as it is seen in other species that lack culture. We can also use science to eliminate them by reducing or eliminating

They work incredibly poorly on touch devices.

Reddit is not really similar to fark because fark didn't have the tribalism. Everyone on fark was seeing the same site all the time. Reddit clans are segregated by site policy and design. Reddit also has an illusory layer of democracy that fark never claimed to have. Fark was run as the admins and mods wanted it.

Reddit does have revenue. I don't know how much, but it gets money from the community to supports its costs and from advertisements.

The book is overly long. It could be condensed to a few hundred pages if the extraneous details and scenes were removed.

Doxing has nothing to do with harassment. Doxing is merely the collection and release of personally identifying information. It can be for good or evil (intentions behind it at least). People could be identifying a suspected criminal or shaming someone who holds different politics. Or, like on reddit, wrongly

It was not actually their original name. They had a song titled "butthole surfer" or something and the venue wrongly billed them as the song title.

They would not have this problem had they gone with the sneaker.

You are also exposed to him as a child, which make it seem less silly. When Batman and other characters were first invented, they were primarily for kids. The stories were kid stories. It is not until later—maybe when those kids grew up—that Batman had adult interest as well.

Why did she have a funeral if she survived?

Physical barriers and hindrances were not the only methods used to stop vampires. Chinese vampires were stopped by bags of rice. Vampires, much like Count von Count from "Sesame Street," have to count all the grains. The same idea existed in Europe. Planting flowers and leaving seeds on a grave was supposed to

Lycanthropy has a rich and long history in the old world. Eastern European cultures had tales of undead beings shapeshifting and returning to harm the living. It had a religious component, but was not limited to just one religion.

"Rudeness" is become a default defense to any discussion or criticism though. Pointing out that weight loss is beneficial is not shaming anyone. But we live in a world where the suggestion that changing diet to lose weight is considering "body shaming." Even doctors are very unlikely to discuss weight, health

Kinda. It was more complicated. Hemophilia is treated with certain components of blood. Unlike whole blood, blood products may need to be combined from multiple donors. This increases risk of contamination (more sources to be contaminated). In the mid-1980s, the move was made to heat treat blood products to