Brandon Blokzijl

I appreciate the wardrobe change to match the car color

In the newest SimCity you might be able to fit one village into the map.

They smell like fries!

OMG, secret nazi!

Ok kotaku we get it, you LOVE flappy bird. Now can you please STOP bringing it up in EVERY. FUCKING. ARTICLE.

Still no heists?

Just let him have this, this is all he has left anymore.

Can't wait to see Yahtzee from the Escapists review for the game.

I would have watched this if it was one of the staff playing not some youtube whore.

All I got was him spending almost all of the 50 minutes running around in an alleyway while discussing how amazing the variety of graphical options are.

Eat your vegetables first...

Can barely make out what's happening is most of these drawings.

incomprehensible drawings of wario wearing a mario suit, punching other video game characters. whatever.

Why do I get the feeling there's an office worker with a very unfortunate window placement.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the building...