Yay for mandatory 2 year legal warranty in Europe?
Yay for mandatory 2 year legal warranty in Europe?
Prices aren't lower. Everything is included in the pc/mac version and at the iPad you need to buy some stuff seperately, making the total price practically the same. From Touch Arcade:
Moshi Monde's iVisor did this ages ago.. Barely gets any fingersprints on it, comes in matte/clear finish, easy to remove and re-apply and can even be rinsed clean. Ah well.
Doesn't happen all the time you know. Dropped mine this week, bit scruffed on the upper left corner, glass doesn't have a scratch on it!
GS3 isn't worth more retail then the 4S with 64GB ;).
Well, get back to work? You shoudn't be looking here anyway!
Depends on the price of the shirt ;d.
Dress shirts will be very boring then.
Unless they use a canonball near a crowded area, almost killing people and not apologizing for it.
Vertu phones start from $4-5k, that $300k one is just one of the more expensive one's.
Not really, Gorilla Glass get's scratches none the less (had a HTC HD2 since it's release, iPhone 4 now) and if you want to keep your phone pristine by using a $5-$30 screenprotector, you'll manage just that for little money.
Or just use the search engine in the Appstore itself instead of promoting your own stuff.
Try using that in university, that won't fly.
Buying a $499-$829 device (or well any product) without trying is just plain silly and your own fault.
Looks like a mutated Furby or somthing.
Or just skip this, go for the Griffin Simplifi for just $29,95. Anodized aluminum, 2 usb ports and card readers for most memory cards even a CF reader. Might look a bit less sleek, but more bang for your buck!
Heh, Wikipedia as a valid source.
There are some screen protectors that are kind of fingerprint-resistant. I use an iVisor AG for my iPad 1 and iPhone 4 (from Moshi Monde) and both seem to reduce the smudging a lot while giving my screen a matte look (there is also a non-matte glossy iVisor XT but no idea about that one).
That's the Asus EEE Pad Slider, which is released already. The 32GB version for example is 499 euro.
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