
In these austere times, we have to make do with what we have. I’m afraid you’ll just have to make the Splinter Cell whine noise with your mouth when you activate night vision.

They have to maximize every opportunity now that luck isn't on their side.

lol, someone is mad.

I hope he beats this 

Imagined sample from memo draft: “In this tariff war current business climate, we may take a hit from larger tariffs new resource allocations may result in a higher cost for customers. Don’t leave us even though we voted for Trump and therefore this trade war We appreciate your loyalty to Trump and us confidence in

Maybe this is the future. If your Phil and you look at the numbers, and every single xbox is a loss, getting xbox live subs out of PS5's and Switches is like free money.

If Kawhi leaves just build him a statue anyway.

Oh Destiny, rehashing the same boring ass locales. STAHP.

“I don’t even want to talk about that,” Johnson said. “I don’t have no reason to talk about that. I don’t even talk about the Lions.”

Mood at work

I’m actually really surprised with how much better this makes the movie seem even with the CG not being especially polished.  Just goes to show design matters more than technical perfection.

Yep. For me it’s like thinking about calling up my ex who bankrupted me, stabbed me, and cheated on me because I heard she got some new shoes.

The game reminds of me of a plumber in a way. Cause it loves bringing up old shit. HEYOOOOOOOO

As horrible as this is, let's not forget: the Warriors blew a 31 point lead. 

I get it, man. Waiting on lab results is a harrowing experience. 

Oh for fuck sake....

Every time I see Anthem get an update I hope...I really, really hope that this will be the one that gets things back on track...but every one so far has been more of the same. One step forward, two steps back.

I’ve done that dance for 5 goddamn years with Destiny, I’m not doing it again. I bought

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Wow, "Man Releases Video on YouTube". What a fuckin article dude, really love these meaningful contributions!

Someone needs to go to jail for the way that video is edited.