
I mean, Power to the Players, right? 

Well, it’s not rad to offer someone (mostly kids) 40 cents for a game and flip it for $20. Employees are also treated terribly, even by retail standards. 

Would be interesting if they just said “oops, first was a practice run, here’s a whole new game for $59.99". I was one of the suckers who preordered Anthem, will never buy another game from EA. 

Yes. I beat it and thought I would go back through to unlock all the other endings- but I just can’t get myself to pick it up again. I find this strange since I do love the game.

He takes a Dubwool through the game, which is the equivalent of having a Raticate on your final team. Hop sux. =)

Agreed, hard to describe, but one side definitely has the advantage. We spawned on the good side and took the lead, but once the spawns switched we got wrecked. 

I would suggest they all abandon this game and play Outer Worlds- it’s better.

I was like this with Destiny 2 for a while. It became more of a chore to keep up with, and if you weren’t max everything with the best armor guns you would get kicked/laughed at by some elitist players. Finally said to hell with it, and although I didn’t delete it, I limit myself to casually picking it up maybe once ev

Squirtle is actually wearing a Yamask hat, from its Pokedex entry:

Still playing Destiny2, trying to finish the campaign on Gears, but can’t put 2K20 down at all (the casino-like games really are as addicting as Vegas). I feel like Borderlands 3 this week is a must buy, if I don’t get it now I’m just going to buy it later- why wait? Definitely picking up Code Vein later in the month.

I don’t typically give up on games, but after cataclysm released I sold my copy. 

Any idea if xbox saves would transfer? May be a silly question, but Switch does surprisingly have xbox live (or will). 

You’d think they’d get tired of the whole street racers vs. cops loop, Forza Horizon 4 is just so much better as a racing game in every way imaginable.

I feel like this game would be much more successful on Xbox/PS4 because of better networking. A real swing and a miss limiting it to Switch. 

Eh, not a fan. It’s cool for 5 minutes, but then kind of pointless. No clear direction. Also, what’s with Lego everything? I don’t even feel like that many people care about them. 

If you like those I think you’d like Dr. Stone as well. I’ve been reading the manga for a while, and it’s really good!

If it gave me access to both libraries of exclusive games, you’d best believe I wouldn’t hesitate to buy both subscriptions. 

Xbox achievements? Save transfers? 

Wow, that initial photo had me so confused before reading the headline. *Why is Android 17 in smash!?