Call me crazy, but I prefer to support content I consume. If you block ads they don’t load, and the creators don’t get any revenue from them being displayed. I used to write for a website that made most of it’s revenue from ads, and that revenue took a sharp decline when adblockers became popular.
How dare they use ads to fund free content!
“Your Honor, We move to place into record a declaration that we have, in fact, un-fucked the cow we are currently accused of fucking. We still insist she is a lying heifer that is only seeking a payday.”
From reading the transcript of the call, it sounds like there was confusion on whether or not the records were supposed to be sealed - I could imagine that Ryan just made a call to see if those records would be available, and would have pursued a different angle if they weren’t. Sounds like the court clerk fucked up,…
And while you’re at it, please put the toothpaste back into the tube.
Or Lawyer be Cray Cray
Sex tape, corporate cover-up of defective product that kills people. Same, same.
I love stories like this where you guys are asked or threatened by lawyers to not publish something, and not only do you go ahead and do it but publish another article about how they tried to stop you. These types of stories should be filed under the tag “Pity the fool”.
Goodyear: “Your Honor, despite the fact that all the livestock have in fact left the barn, we would like to request that the barn door now be secured.”
You threw down the gauntlet, Elizabeth. I challenge you to make good on your statement that, after reading her book, you are confident you could operate a De Dion. No, I’m >not< trying to be an ass here; rather, I’m suggesting you reach out to old car clubs and see if you can find someone willing to let you drive one.…
I kinda get it? but... Who is this for? Maybe it’d be a unique situation with a camper shell on it... or... of if you didn’t put the tool box where most americans do but... I... I Guess it just seems like a hole no one is gonna use.
Have fun with that last line everyone.
Yeeeeeah. That’s a pretty significant problem to have to fix.
Electrical Engineer here. Let me be clear here that, while this dude seems bright, most EEs don’t design for practicality, we design for functionality.
Tom - I was the finance director at Bob Bell Chevrolet in Bel Air Md. for a few years in the early 2000's. A very young, uneducated couple with hourly wage income and beacon scores in the 500's wanted to buy a used Cavalier. At that time, the GMAC rep used to camp out in the sales tower underwriting applications on…
WHAT!?!?!?! Car dealers don’t care about me, my finances, or my well being?
David Tracy’s postman, right?