Brandon Black

Time and place for everything, I suppose. I’m good for a nice, thick pub-style burger maybe once or twice per year. But honestly, un-seared ground beef doesn’t taste like a whole lot unless it’s seasoned, and pre-seasoning burger meat is a recipe for disaster. To each their own, though.

Reminds me of the truck from Tango and Cash (1989). I went looking for an image and found Kurt Russell in drag instead. Enjoy.

Thanks, that’s also how people describe me.

I don't disagree, and I can absolutely see why people would be upset if they absolutely didn't want a kid, it was forced on them anyway, by having sex with the opposite sex, with no explanation of why Kassandra / Alexios are suddenly straight when they could have been gay the entire game. I have no idea whether the

But is it being taken away? Does it really cheapen the character to have a single hetero sexual encounter for the sake of getting pregnant? Again I dont know how the dlc plays out, I haven't played it, and I swear I'm not being sarcastic or rude by asking that, but is there a circumstance where it makes sense in the

First off, spoilers.....

I had to go ahead and block those - I like Kotaku, but unless I get a brick of gold for each view, I'm not watching auto-playing ads, no matter where.

Like how ads autoplay on Kotaku when scrolling down the page for their videos, while taking up mobile bandwidth without your consent... Shady business practices indeed.

Should have kept going until making babies wasn’t possible.

Ah, so you have trouble with reading retention, too. How unfortunate.

Oh, I read. I just also know the difference between over 100, and under 20. Maybe you'll learn that someday, too. Or, you can just say math is hard, I suppose.

Totally this. Classic bully “friend”complex. Constantly degrading people he might perceive as having a weaker personality in an attempt to push his “alpha” status of the group.

You have weird priorities. Hoping your girl doesn’t read Jalop.

My wife sold some junk around the house on the offerup app. Twice (out of four) sales, the buyer ended up having less money with them than the negotiated price and basically said “oops, well i.m here and you don’t want to waste your time and mine.” Nope’d them the hell out of the door.

Nice, that gives me 2 chances to bang your girl before you care!

“ than i filled his oil filter with metal shavings"

I wonder upon being robbed if the train driver was like “get mi-ata here”.*

I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.

Coming from PUBG I’ve tried to win games of Fortnite with as little building as possible as I just don’t find it fun to do so this is welcome news for me if I can destroy other people’s bases a bit easier than before.