
I really enjoy your comments, so please don’t take this as a criticism: domestic abuse comes in all flavors of gender, orientaion, sex, color, etc.

I absolutely agree.

I really do not understand the cult of Oprah. She’s done some good things (like gave my favorite homeless shelter a million dollars) but she’s also introduced lots of crap to the world.

What about millipedes? I’ve never seen a giant millipede on the NYC transit system, but what if there are like millions of them just beneath the surface waiting to squirm their way out? Millions of giant millipedes, each one several inches long with all those legs flailing around and each one stupid and hungry,

I figured, based on the ages, that it was the other way around and the pusher was a bunny boiler.

Maybe not a shitty person but one who has awfully detailed first thoughts.

wash his dick and maybe believe what she says BEFORE she has to pee the bed to prove it?

...I really think it’s probably not great to be with a partner who doesn’t take your health seriously.

My 3 year old niece once came out of the bathroom and told me that her butt hurt. I said, “Your butt hurts? Why does it hurt?” I think thinking she was constipated or something. She told me, “I have a TI in my butt.” I was trying to question her when my sister in law came into the room and I explained to her what was

Maybe he should wash his dick?

You kind of hydrated it away at the very start of the problem. That absolutely is a thing. You can just drink water, though.

I’ll raise your UTIs and tell you about the roommate I had who believed cranberry juice also cured yeast infections. Like, she wasn’t even getting the anatomical hole/infection right. It drove me crazy because this is a person who went to Tufts, then got a full ride at GW for her masters degree based on her intellect.

Me too! But after reading this I’m thinking that maybe that had to do with just lots of hydrating in general, rather than cranberry specific.

I’ve heard that peeing after sex helps prevent UTIs.

The first time I got a UTI in college the very unhelpful nurse told me to just have less frequent sex. AS IF.

Oh man, I worked at ASDA which is Walmart’s subsidiary in the UK and they tried to make us smile and be pleasant to customers. This is beyond my skills. I’m Northern Irish and congenitally dour. I don’t hate the stranger but I strongly suspect he has committed murder.

I just got back from France and was shocked at how nice they were compared to my visit twelve years ago when I was much cuter, thinner and remembered more of my highschool French. Though, I am better dressed now. I don’t know what was going on. I had the French waiter sit and ask me to explain Donald Trump, like why

Wait, what? You mean I’m not just really really good at picking out the things that the checkout clerk loves the most? Damnit.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

ALL of these rules, but especially this: