
and he’s not an asshole, sociopath, or idiot. Leave him alone.

Even in Mississippi?

Cilantro goes with NOthing, unless it’s with laundry basket full of dirty gym socks.

“closely resembles a bloated whale carcass on the cusp of exploding” I’m adding this to my list of favorite , accurate, descriptions of Cheeto- foundation -wearing, sphincter- faced Trump. All’s fair .....

To be fair, Every, single child that meets Obama seems to love him. Instantly!

Along with ALL of his relatives!

I would have expected that of a Big Dick type of university, but not UNH.

The last year of his life. A very small percentage.

Who wants to take a dump when your fellow campers are brushing their teeth, putting on makeup, flossing, and tripping over you?

Every person (mostly Americans) I’ve spoken to about this do NOT think it’s a joke, and agree that the swimmers were Assholes for pulling that boyishmyass prank.

Aah yes!

So they’ll feel dainty and petite, like the Princess and the Pea.

It doesn’t even have cinderblock walls.

Why the Hell not? I’m confused.

He’s checking for his spectacles, because his testicles are “down there”.


Amazingly, It tastes MUCH better than it smells. It’s used on a lot of Vietnamese food.

How do you empty it? Wait until 2:00 PM and then dump the water over the balcony?!

How do you empty it? Wait until 2:00 AM and just dump it?!

or they were getting a boner.