
If Nyko needs to find someone to help with their ID, they should PM me. In one afternoon, I could make something a lot prettier than the Guardian.

*least you could do.

Yeah. I used to be a big fan of the Giz. Not so much anymore. I get curious every now and then and click on something. There is almost always at least one obvious typo. I have no idea how misspelled words get into journalistic content so much. The comment section often derails into people correcting them and other

The athlete seems like he pretended to start running and then pretended to be stuck before it was even possible.

Fragmentation is good.

If you’re into social media to follow corporate companies and the uber famous and be very public with your activities, it’s not very good for that. They made it too easy to be private with your posts, so from what I’ve seen, people stick to their circle of friends and any community they have specifically subscribed

And I’m just sitting here, enjoying G+.

In Arizona, you can’t have your license plate cover blocking the state name at all. Is this not the case anywhere else? You can barely read California under that brick.

I’m super cynical when it comes to TV shows and even I was put off by the amount of trash-talking that was done in this “article.”
How many episodes did this person watch before deciding that we don’t need to watch any of them?

Well, you certainly sounded indignant enough to be mad. And to be honest, I am mad. I am tired of friends and clients scolding me for not having FaceTime. Are you kidding me? Why aren’t people mad that Apple has created a service that does not play well with others? ‘OHDEARGOD, the bloadware on my iPhone is a

But you’re complaining that an Android phone can’t integrate with an Apple service... But Apple has no interest in letting that happen. Why is that anyone’s fault but Apple? Google created a service that you can use on both platforms (Hangouts), and you choose not to use it. Why aren’t you mad at Apple for not putting

Google Voice is a separate phone line. That certainly does not count. It is not billed as a messaging service. Messenger is text messaging, a universal service... So that doesn’t really count either. Though, the approach between Allo and Hangouts... that’s a weird one.

Apple walls-off their services. It’s not reasonable to blame compatibility on another company. It’s like blaming Google for not being able to place a FaceTime call. It’s like blaming Apple for iMessage not being able to send a GIF to Hangouts. Except, in that case, the iPhone user could actually download Hangouts.

I think you’re confused between sending a text message and an instant message. You can send a GIF/Video/Picture over Hangouts without limits, just like you can in iMessage or whatever. I’m confused why it’s Google’s job to figure out how to get Apple to cooperate with them instead of your job to get your wife to use

Well, Google tends to go multi-platform. If they put this on Android and iOS, there is a good chance it will make some headway against FaceTime... Maybe you only talk to people with iPhones, but there are actually more people with Android phones than iPhones. Half the people I know have iPhones, the other half

Eh. I’m not opposed to colored money, but that’s obviously a ten dollar bill. We have shades of color on our bills. And different buildings and different old white dudes. I feel like it’s pretty obvious:

I think you missed the context. People were saying ‘it only looks dumb because you have played the game and expect it to be the same.’
I have not played the game and so have no preconceptions. I just see an arm pick up a guy and dangle him around as he time travels. Seems sort of useless. It could be boring seeing him

I’ve never played the game and had no idea what that was... but it looked pretty dumb.

Holy run-on sentences, Batman!

I got a really good deal on my Moto 360 V2. I assumed that I would not like it enough to continue to wear it, but I’ve been surprised how much I like it. I archive emails, respond to messages, do quick calculations, shazam songs, track running/pushups/squats/situps, check weather, check in on Belly, set