
They still release new maps and large updates. I would consider any game current if they continue to support it beyond the occasional bug fix.
Besides, why does this mentality only apply to games? How long ago was football invented? They’ve been playing the same map for years.

It has blown my mind how T-Mobile’s efforts have not raised flags in the past. For years, they have been letting people stream selected music services that do not count towards their data plans. This is exactly what net neutrality would prevent. The things they are doing make the users feel like they are getting a


I disagree with the comment about Gears of War’s shotgun. It is by far the most satisfying shotgun I’ve played with. The game makes me want to punch puppies, but that shotgun feels so good. You defend against it by not letting your enemy get close. It is total garbage when you’re shooting at someone at medium range.

Looks more like TF2 to me.

And I’m just waiting for them to update the name to YOLO Fortress 2 or Chaos Fortress 2... Teamwork fell out of TF2 a long time ago.

Spray control was the cornerstone for the game for me. Someone’s pin-point precision vs my strategies. My aim is not the best, and it does not seem to be getting better... but I keep ranking up because I can outsmart people who have better aim. I thought that was the point.
The focus is on teamwork and strategy. If

I think you can be more specific than that.

Am I the only person to read Soak as Strokes?

I just googled “bright flavors” and got 126,000 results. 71,200 for “bright and flavorful” 10,300 for “bright and bold flavors” Some of these contexts are used in print media. So I’d say it’s used properly here. The writing on these (kinja/gawker?) sites can be rather painful at times, but you picked the wrong battle

I miss the days of (full) 8v8 servers.

I have seen this exploit before, but I thought it was patched.
Also, I have never seen the bomb planted there. I assume it is too far away when it is planted default heaven or mini?

Not a lot of rep from CS:GO lately.

They never ironed out all of the bugs in the first Gears of War.
When they moved onto the next game, the first was abandoned, and the new game came with a different focus and a whole new batch of kinks.
I loved the tight group of four people with the uber focus on team based game-play. This is the only time this

It's more like saying crime is high in LA and your lawn is being relentlessly covered in garbage by some corporate entity. It's the same for everyone else's lawn on the block. Still, you have a tradition of celebrating your birthday, so you have some friends over. A gust of wind blows one napkin away and it lands on a

That's what I'm saying. Companies are allowed to dump millions of tons of pollutants in the air every year, and people are complaining about people lighting 30-seconds of fireworks?

I assure you that this amount of pollution is negligible when they have thousands of factories that spew pollutants measured in tons.

It's definitely different than a lot of other FPS's. I'm not "impressed" by it. But I play it because it's like playing a game of chess while playing an FPS. There are multiple levels of strategy.
I like the other FPS's, but they are a completely different genre and provide a different kind of enjoyment.

Anyone can add me. I've been a bit light on teh games in the past couple weeks, but I'll ramp back up soon. My url is /brandizzle

Shep is handling these comments like a boss. Even linking to old articles.

Shep is handling these comments like a boss. Even linking to old articles.