
Interesting, I assumed they just ripped off the video for Accidents Will Happen.

Technicality no down beef over?

Are you happy in your work at ConGypsCo?

And you must be a Superblast at parties.

I'm with you, but I will never not pronounce it "SPON-tuh-NAY-uh-NAY-tion".

"Sung-through" will suffice in that case. Although it's not sung through. More like an operetta.

I credit Herbert Viola with my lifelong attraction to the witty but self-effacing nerd/schlub. It irritates me no end that in all Curtis's appearances on Harmontown there have been multiple discussions of One Crazy Summer and none of Moonlighting.

Gee, encountering women in strange circumstances sure can change your life three times in the same trailer!

That would obviously go to Sam the Eagle. Although I dread to hear it with whoever-other-than-Frank-Oz's voice.

Cletus wanted it to be called "Hear the Talking Dead."

Symmetry, deep focus and/or silhouette.

So WorldWideInterweb doesn't know about the British usage of "rude", then, eh? Ok.

"That one" = cocaine.

I was about to lose my shit if someone didn't stand up for Hero Takes a Fall. I thank you.

I didn't know Rube Goldberg was from Savannah, Georgia!

That was my point, if I stated it a little ungracefully. Sasha and Jasmine have very little in common in appearance or in dance style, apart from their gender and ethnicity, which made his error particularly gross.

I imagine not but I can't remember any. But that dance is among the favorites of many viewers (me included); it's in the commercial break bumper for chrissakes.

I saw that Sasha/Jasmine gaffe about an hour after it happened, and shrieked, "Twitter!! TWITTER!!!!" Indeed it had exploded, but not with the (warranted) accusations of racism I was expecting.

Oh, not blaming you — Gwen got it wrong up there too.