
Whew, for a second I thought you meant Paul Dooley and I could not fathom what he could have done.

Pedantry alert: the book is actually called A Billion For Boris. There was a TV adaptation that changed it to "Billions".

"Twin beds! You little rascal you."
"One of those is a day bed."

"Mr. Driftwood, will you please get off the bed? What would people say?"
"They'd probably say you're a very lucky woman. Now will you please shut up so I can continue my reading?"

Make that three hard boiled eggs.

I hope this goes long enough to include Chris de Burgh.

I think this article has kickstarted my bimonthly week-long Falkner binge.

Cradle Will Rock has JB and KG, as a duo but about as far from Tenacious D as imaginable.

His son and his grandchildren both!

I don't think he said it TO Erin, if that makes it any better. Just to, you know, the universe.

As a mom of two in a happy marriage: hell yes on that.

I don't think Donna was crying for her abortion, she was crying because his suggestion that they might have another baby forced her to acknowledge that she doesn't love him anymore, that the marriage is unsalvageable and the Mutiny deal is a fraud.

I'm not nearly as distracted by Depp as I am by Joel Edgerton's approximation of a half-melted Albert Finney.

Well that was predictable. Aesthetically perfect though.

Carsey-Werner Incorporated!


The first one was about two rewrites away from being truly great. I only just saw the second one (thanks, minions-obsessed 4-year-old) and although it comes way closer to achieving its full potential, that potential is decidedly less than the first one had.

No, but Comcast will have the possession of everything it touches. Eventually.

I can only assume you are making veiled reference to "Ham 'n' Eggs".

No more Christian Slater references for the day, please. My inner 12-year-old is feeling feelings.