
"Even if Violet doesn’t win the crown, her time on this series is going to have a big impact on how she conducts herself"

Clearly someone didn't watch January Jones's SNL.

Goddamnit, Renner, get out of here!


Wait, are you holding Thomas and Friends up as an example of GOOD children's television? The show that straightfacedly teaches children that having fun and trying new things invariably leads to failure and embarrassment? The early season production values are pretty cute, I will admit, but that is all it has going for

I think you're right — and that as Babs said, Trixie is probably bigger competition on fanbase alone. But if the comments on the voting page are any indication Katya's got about 75% of the vote so far.

I worry Miss Fame and her chickens might pull it out. I will boo. Katya deserves all the things.

Sail a-WAAAAAY, sail a-WAAAAAY, sail a-WAY oh god this needs to happen.

I kinda wanted to see him go to sit in it and have the entire thing fall apart.


Ovoid and covered with skin and hair.

Oliver neglected to mention the most amazing part which was that Real Ru and Dress Ru had the same hair and earrings on.

It's the Volkswagen kid's grandpa!

That video was badass — and showed way more breadth in aesthetic than she did on the show! I really liked her but she was disappointing. I'm more disappointed in her now, having watched that.

Give me some rope
Tie me to dream
Give me the hope
To learn how to pee

Nothing like Rachel; exactly like a rode-hard-and-put-away-wet Midge.

And of course you're right that recurring sketches hew very closely to their format, but for some reason — maybe the fact that it's NOT the same actor or character but that the monologue is essentially the same — this one especially irks me.

I really don't think this qualifies as "recurring". And I'm sure there are other examples of a sketch being redone a handful of times with only very minor alterations. Doesn't mean you're not getting diminishing returns.

Not nearly as good as the Buscemi Christmas sketch it was ripping off.

If you don't like Jason Falkner Presents Author Unknown I just don't know what to say.