
Well if you count a CBB bit where he was Skyping with HoHo then yes.

And then he finally got the part last week! Good for him.

I'm going to assume it was Uatu the Watcher.

I thought it was going to be a compilation of people dancing to music only they can hear. Which isn't a bad idea.

Hortense may be my favorite Looney Tunes character ever. Not bad for someone never seen nor heard.

Grey bowels are cause for concern. Contact your doctor.

I fundamentally don't understand the concept of this movie. The idea of emotions having any kind of arc seems antithetical to their existence. I mean, Joy looks sad at a certain point. How can she be sad? She's JOY!

"Several notable Demi Lovato collaborators" sounds like a mnemonic device.

Switchboard operator, yeah.

It'll be okay. We'll get him a new Simpsons creator. One with an uncancerable colon!

When Talking Dead said there was a surprise cast member on, I figured Sasha was gonna pull a suicide by cop or something in the last 10 minutes.

Mom of a kid with an egg allergy here — as long as the egg is primarily for binding and not for rising (usually in recipes where there is only one egg) you can sub applesauce fine. Cookies will taste vaguely appley though, which with chocolate can taste a little off.

Kindergarten? KINDERGARTEN?? I could be in for 2 or 3 more years of this nightmare? *faints dead away a la Dowager Hatt*

Wrong Jeff! Bridges all the way.

This movie does look like a non-stop erotic cabaret.

I assume the sheets are made of fire?

She played Dylan Baker's daughter. That cast was insanely overqualified. I loved that show enough that I purchased the full season so I could see the last two episodes that were either burned off or never aired, don't remember which. It wasn't worth it.

Lynch: The question was, "Who was the first president of the United States?" You wrote "Yes."

Everyone on my team, PLAY THE GAME OF SOCCER

And that guy from Science Court!