
I'll race
To feel the wind in my face
And I'll race
To feel alive
And I'll race
To feel like I own
This place
And I'll race until I die
And I'll race against the other racers
And I'll race with one big shout
And I'll race against the clock
And I'll race against myself
And I'll race and I'll race

If by "successfully" you mean "with such sweaty desperation and clumsiness that I feared he was going to blend his own hand off on live television" then yes.

What about flub, though? WHAT ABOUT FLUB

My older kid discovered Scooter Computer & Mr. Chips last week. Trying to explain to a 3-year-old why that computer is so enormous had been futile. Now I will just show him this…on my phone…and he still will not understand.

I saw that Taming of the Shrew they did in the park, and it was absolutely fantastic. They kissed at the end and it was super hot for a kiss involving Morgan Freeman and Tracey Ullman. Also I remember Kate threw knives at Bianca, played by Helen Hunt.

I saw that Taming of the Shrew they did in the park, and it was absolutely fantastic. They kissed at the end and it was super hot for a kiss involving Morgan Freeman and Tracey Ullman. Also I remember Kate threw knives at Bianca, played by Helen Hunt.

I've been magically traynsfawmed into this TWINKLY LIGHT!!!

The various exegeses of You Make My Shadow Run was the hardest I've laughed at Harmontown in quite a while.

You're making EMG's point. Those movies were indeed stop-motion, where LEGO is CGI emulating stop-motion.

And that hashtag just made me think Nationwide was praying for a safe to fall out of the sky onto my son's head, Wile E. Coyote style.

No shit!

Didn't we already have the leagues vs. fathoms discussion this week?

A cake, or a random dessert. Either way.

Yeah, they acknowledge that they're in possession of a baby monitor, in order to facilitate her being away from her three kids overnight. That was kind of weird.


Oliver Rome did it.

When I try to imagine him I end up with Tim Kazurinsky.

On the OBC I'm pretty sure Chita Rivera sings that note down the octave. Chita has no range either so I don't know why they would bother changing it.

E.G. Daily did the voice in the sequel.

God's not dead, he's busy snorting a festive mountain of cocaine.