
I wish that song didn't bear such unfortunate melodic similarity to "Heartache Tonight".

Almost worth it for R.F.'s joke at the end that he can't visualize the sequence Don just pitched.

Wyld Stallyns forevyr!!!!

"Backpack", but yes.

Bill and Ted's Weekly Tai Chi Class

For a musical theater geek Aukerman is not good at remembering lyrics.

Admiral Halsey notified me
He had to have a bath or he couldn't get to sleep

What day do we get on down here at the disco?


Goldberg is awful and Schrab's D&D sound effects were magical. Cosign on Abed though.


You said yourself you hate every zombie you see! You made your bed, now lie under it while breathing too heavily.

Fuck you!! He loved his shirt!!!

Hoboken?!?!?!? Oooooo, I'm dyin'!

Ricky is a white Cuban so I don't know how much I want to split hairs there. And Casey has the teeth of an Osmond. :)

Yeah, in previous seasons Nigel has made comments about them talking to the choreographers about who learns quickly, is pleasant to work with, etc. It's not really surprising that Ricky and Tanisha were disproportionately featured in the group numbers (and if the producers were trying to rig anything it certainly…

Considering that this was maybe the whitest top 20 ever on the show, I thought the choice of Jelly's Last Jam for the opening number was more than a little tone-deaf. I thought the number was decent, but I couldn't get over the homogeneity onstage.

They misspelled "_orrespondent".

Which is why he shrugged.

Hell, they already both say "5 minutes ago".