
You snooze a few seconds, you lose a few seconds!

Mike Hammerhead

Well in '87 there wouldn't have been many ethically and technically sound avenues available to a grad student who wanted to make a movie about a morbidly anorexic woman. And it's long for a student film, and working with dolls he wouldn't have had to do a ton of retakes.


He's in Newsies on Broadway right now, and it's closing the 24th — i.e. just in time for him not to participate this season.

I hear those community chests are awfully loud…

They'll have a hard time beating the 80's Monopoly game show for theme song most likely to pop into my brain with no provocation.

Ew, don't become floored in a movie theater. It's sticky down there.

Fuck Gerald, he's nothing without Piggie.

Wait, so you're saying this ended well?

The music choices have been pretty great and unexpected throughout the season, and they were much more middle-of-the-road for this episode, in a way that I think must have been deliberate. This is the most "conventional" (ugh inadvertent pun) situation they've been in so far.

And this one inadvertently came up with what could be mistaken for a pop-culture-related pun as a username! THEY'RE LEARNING.

Gonna comment on this as soon as I finish feathering back on my sammy.

But it's midnight! The time when both sexual inhibition and the perceived need for plot logic are at their lowest!

Centipede is the motherfucking jam.

That's right, I did the Iggy.

No mention of SYTYCD? First you take away our regular recaps and now it doesn't even merit a What Else Is On?

I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but I always appreciated how the interrupted talking head is the exact converse of the devastating Tim talking head on the UK Office ("she said no, by the way").

He gave it an A-minus at Sundance, so I guess it's grown on him. Or an A is better clickbait. One or the other.

He did. He seems now, though, like much less of a fuck-up. The movie does a nice if unintended parallel where his character is a fuck-up deadbeat "cool dad" at the beginning but by the end has learned responsibility at the expense of cool points. It feels very organic.