brandi c

Oh god I'd hate to have Kris Jenner for a mom. They'll have kids when they want! If they want!

That scene eats me up. She didn't try to wipe her face. That's acting! Love her.

Hug? Is that what we're calling it?

I guess because they had different hair colors?

Its official. I hate the 80s.

Its always the wimmin!

Affirmative action?! I'm sorry for wanting to be represented in media for more than citing statistics or being blamed for a crime. I apologize for my blackness.

And to top it off he probably doesn't even read comics. This is just like all the people getting mad because Rima Fakih winning Miss USA.

I would see that film!

He doesn't care, that's why he devoted half an hour on his show to the topic. And will probably keep talking about it until something else (probably to do with POC) distracts him.

I approve.

Somehow I knew an Obama would get blamed. And god forbid people of color or gay people are represented! We can't have that! Everything is for white and straight people!

That's really a horrible painting.

That'll change in a few years.

No he's really not.

Yes! They should have just stopped with the season finale and been done. Now this is probably going to have six sequels and the inevitable Sex in the City 3D

This is where he draws the line?

Yeah people taking offense at racism. The horror!

It's always the brochures!

Any more than two is a gang right? And LOL at magical invocation because they really believe that!