brandi c

*CLAPS* You go girl! (or guy)

I could have swore I wrote this.

I think she's homeschooled.

I don't even care what he says. Just wanna look at him.

eta: definitely.

Co-sign. Gotta love people's hypocrisy.

I knew when I got to the comments it wouldn't be long before someone needed proof if it was "real racism".


God, nothing she does will never be enough for people. She "doesn't act like a victim."

I loved this movie - it came out when I was 7? 8? And then a few years ago I realized it was Reese.

What took this guy so long? I knew it was time for one of those studies!

Here here.

That slogan makes me want to punch someone.

I read they haven't liked her since the divorce. I really haven't been up to date on the story though.

My favorite Marley song.

It's genetic.

At first, I was meh on the Eminem hate. And then I heard "Kim" and had nightmares for days. I honestly think he gets overhyped because he's a white rapper.

"Yes, it improved the way I look." FFS Bristol, at least try to come up with a lie. You are Sarah's daughter, right?

You know you're a horrible person when even Dr. Drew can't make money off you.

I love the folks who say they hate rap because of misogyny or homophobia and then turn around and say "but I listen to Eminem."