brandi c

@dukes_up: Exactly. I didn't know if Philip Morris was going straight to DVD or if it was ever coming to theatres. I finally just downloaded it and a week later, I see ads for it.

@boomaldehyde: I cried all day after watching Blue Valentine. See The Fighter, Christian Bale will scare you more.

@Tropicalicey: This happened before with JHud and Tatum O Neal. They aren't going to be put up with the Best Actress nominees, so they are running for supporting.

@Ninja Robot Pirate: He wasn't a producer and didn't come on board till there was talk of Oscar nods/wins.

@nowmedusa: I still don't understand how he got to work with Fincher. (And was in a movie with Jeff Bridges!)

@CandyBacon: I saw it over the weekend. Agree with you about Kerry and Anthony Mackie's butt can do no wrong :D

@ForgotMyMantra: I was shocked. I've loved him since Me & You & Everyone

@marciax3: "Keeping the outsiders out? Priceless."

@famagloriaque: Oh silly. Don't you know that we only think of the children when they're in the womb? No need to care about them when they're born to make sure they have healthy, safe, educational lives.

@StuckOnRepeat: I think it depends on the state, because where I live (MI) it's not a big deal. Or maybe I just haven't paid too much attention to it.

@newageamazon: Preach. I realized this in third grade, so the adults in charge...yeah.

@BringerofthePain: I was always asking my teachers why count day was so important and what was being done with the money when we were still sharing books (that were written in the late 80s)

@Miss Suka: Is that a new product available at Whole Foods?

@BelleBreezing: Amen. These are the people in charge of money and children's futures.