brandi c

Michigan FTW!!

@kitschvalue: gelato a word for something else?

@Uhuh.: Didn't Al Capone serve time for not paying his taxes?

@belligereet: I know! That's pretty much every movie (and TV show) set in New York City.

@MyLittleHero: I thought Pan's Labyrinth was set in Spain?

I wish it were that warm here in Michigan.

@oesa: Don't forget Christian.

@sjwhee09: You wrote what I'm feeling, more eloquently of course.

@hilikusopus: One thing: Malcolm X was a real person, hobbits are fictional.

@SamBarge: Oh you! You really want her to know what she's talking about?

@Robert Del Camp: Reflections on Black Flag would be a better book.

@princess.of.melancholia: This sounds exactly like my mom. She can't believe rich/famous/successful people could ever be depressed. *Facepalm* whenever I'm talking to her.