Let’s do that with everything with a geeky fan base then???
Why would you cripple the S9 with that shitty OS?
Characters in comics change their costumes for no reason all the time. Most of the Avengers have had dozens of iterations.
This is a straight-up banner year for nerdy shit I’m into.
My reaction after watching the trailer.
I thought his button just summoned Diet Coke?
the Justice League and the Doom Patrol are forced to go up against Milkman Man
As a couple portmanteau name for Sara + Alex, how about just “Sex”
Ralph Dibny, AKA Elongated Man, has taken over the title of twatwaffle this season.
Maybe I just have lower standards than other io9 commenters, but I thought that the early-season material was both fun in its own right and important characterization for the later-season plot to have the necessary impact. I don’t particularly care if anyone else agrees with me.
Some of us actually liked the first season.
To some degree, that’s because a number of us disagree that it was actually bad.
I like that it’s all of the above. It’s a satire sci-fi dramady, and that’s why i watched it.
Shows on Fox can be renewed?