
Random comment but I'm glad Gizmodo hasn't switched to the new layout yet :)

@monkeycrackers: I refused to pronounce Asus as As-oos and Porsche as Porschaa.

Coolest house...ever!

@Rotard: Need more RX-7s! Where can I get more of these hi-res pics?

Was this done using a helicopter or something?

So Shiny.

It's not the Stig. He doesn't talk and/or is unable to.

@sliverworm: +1. How can people choose this car over any other car?

Creeps the f out of me.

Somebody has been reading the 4-hour work week?

@Brian: Adding male mosquitoes will not harm you as male mosquitoes do not bite, only the females do.

Correct Business Insider link (had extra 'h'):

VOTE: CD CountDown timer

@askoble: Great tip, I gotta remember to do this more often.

Love that orange.