Squares that show more prominentyl on the car (i.e. the hood) should be charged more. $5 is hella cheap!
Squares that show more prominentyl on the car (i.e. the hood) should be charged more. $5 is hella cheap!
First of all, why the FUCK is Four Loko the spotlight in that news story as opposed to...say, "physical evidence of drug and alcohol use in the apartment"? Second of all, why do we care at all?
@manufract: That's not really true if vacation time can be carried over from year to year.
@ant1pathy: You really think so? You are not worthy of a star.
What do you expect from Taco Bell, gourmet beef? The lawsuit that the Alabama law firm is presenting is as frivolous as the one from the woman who got burned by her coffee.
@magus-21: I think it would be a lot easier if the touchscreen simulated a full size keyboard. However, such a product does not exist yet so it would be hard to judge whether it would be easy to type on or not.
People are already typing on their iPads, which already offers a relatively large screen. How about if you took an iPad, shrunk it to the size of a keyboard, and displayed the keyboard on the screen? Then you could type on it and easily have it be a multi-touch surface too. It would also be cheaper than an iPad…
@DucatiChuck: OH REALLY. So why say anything at all? We must all know everything already. There's is NO reason why anybody remotely curious about automautive news will ever want to visit Jalopnik for any reason.
@Mr. Planters: Yes you are but that was one hella fun game back in the day :) What other game let you jump from rocket to rocket like that?
Uh...care to elaborate further about what this suspension entails? Advantages? Disadvantages? Perhaps even a LINK? This is crazy crappy journalism.
@FriscoFairlane: Not if it is only wheels, shocks and brakes.
Dear Jade
That site was the biggest waste of time ever. I could've done some RSS reading done with those 2 minutes.
+1. that's all.
@scingram: My first thoughts too!
@vinod1978: oops, too late.
@kutara: Looks like a bullet proof vest to me.