@dave_t: it's not "plastic", it's "Polycarbonate resin with glass fibre on aluminum chassis".
@dave_t: it's not "plastic", it's "Polycarbonate resin with glass fibre on aluminum chassis".
@Dougiefresh91: Just go with the 7D :)
@ChaoZ: I think that's why they hand built them.
@Perry the Platypus: same reaction when I heard that lol.
@thepeopleselbow: it seems like you're the only one who still gives a damn.
@zeeboid: good point.
@RacinG73 - getting an early start to the off-season: you sir, sound like a pussy.
Status: Darwin @ work.
@Kuro: well that person should've thought of it first before jumping on somebody's roof not shouldn't he?
@Blitzschnell: if your car is getting towed, it probably means it's because you didn't follow a sign. So what makes you think that the people towing your car should follow your sign?
@Mikekearn has an overly long username: me too! it could still be done right?
@mike112: Bear cannot hold a candle to Les? Really? He was a survival instructor for the British special forces.
did the NASA scientists actually say that?
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Article says that he was there for a charity event so it seems like to were allowed to do whatever they did on or near the runway and the plane flying so close like that unannounced just doesn't seem right to me - even for a non-pilot.
@Roger_Wilco: never
well, since he's at -$900k, he would be a near-millionaire who lost it all...twice.
What, the propeller broke down? :)
@toering: yup, the inside of cruisers and destroyers are normally lit in the blue light too.
@sumocat: try epoxy.
@hopskipper: Your wife sews bags onto cats?! oh my...