
Hey, I got this star by speaking my mind.

Spoiler: No they aren't.

So I just realized most of Gizmodo posts are from Reddit.

Learn 2 burden of proof.

Er, doesn't everyone know this?

Living a fun life has risks, but not living a fun life is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Sure is journalism fraud around here.

Key word is necessary, but nice threats =)

Because you're forced to?

Lots of iPhone 4 users mad that they're locked into their contract in these comments. =P

When it was no longer necessary for food.

Yeah...because that's nature and they have to do that to survive.

Neither is better. But nice ad hominem =)

It's bad enough we humans rely on blowing ourselves up, but don't bring animals into it too.

Troll the Taliban? I see animated gifs of soldiers getting murdered on /b/ all the time. I think you misunderstand what side 4chan is on.

"So the whole thing's dirty and sordid and lame".

Facebook didn't cause your divorce, I hate to break it to you.

@dappernat: Stop trolling! The pictures were obviously taken by a camera. Cameras are technology so this story fits right in.

@rnoyfb: implying foreign press is how the world views him

Nothing in Connecticut =(