
Since when does Gawker care about your passwords?

Yup. He can go to jail even if he's caught with them at 16.

@tj: You'd through away your life for him?

De-starring incoming.

Typical middle-american ideology.

Obama's going to win this one.

I'm sick of Apple infringing on my right to break the law.

Here's a test.

@Lizard_King: Bikes aren't gadgets. They're bikes...

Herp Derp

@Jackstick: Yeah I would put my money on hitler.

@BoscoH: Aww don't reuse Cuban jokes.

What is this 4chan now? Cmon guys.


Rainbow road to pedophilia

Yeah, that's why she needs to be TAUGHT. That silly little thing that parents are supposed to do.

"This is the point at which a daughter of mine would be forbidden from using any sort of communication device whatsoever. No phone. No internet. Nothing."