
Yay! Now I can rot my teeth by myself!

One man's elitist academics is another's smart person.

Haha nice. Link to another gawker site to get double pageviews.


Get your science out of here! I'm watching pigeons flap around upsidedown!!!!

Don't promote trolls.

Everyone hates it. They can't change it because Denton made a bet it would create more viewers. If they change it back he loses the bet and has to pay money.

any chance for iphone 5?

Or you could use audacity for free on pc.

If you can see your entire morning commute from out your window...

Giz, when half the comments on every article are about how bad this layout is, you should probably take note.

"my 2 year contract cycle is better than yours!"

Ads. Ads everywhere.

If they are fake then why are they worth so much?

We are stealing and breaking the law and HE is the troll? Wtf?


@Rocket Dan: Because it's not sustainable. Beaver dams and ant colonies don't destroy the entire planet.

@Ignignokt: Maybe not, but your password WAS leaked.

@lostarchitect: Eh, he's smart. People who used their Facebook account were the only ones whose passwords weren't leaked.