
nothing is original today, everything is inspired.

Seems familiar.

I feel like it's necessary to remind everyone that Call of Duty was originally this. And it was good.

The great thing about Call of Duty news, is that we get to hear lots of people moan.

This looks absolutely nothing like previous Call of Duty games. The idea of being able to blast around rooftops and cloak seems more like Crysis, if anything.

Let's put a well-known gay actor in a franchise with a community known for its rampant homophobia!

Post all you like, there will always be PC elitists out there to say how much better their PC can make it look.

I say these things, and people get mad. I'm glad their creator agrees with me.

And yet the PC version still owns over the console versions!

The AI in Titanfall is as simple as it gets. I mean, the grunts are as stupid as possible and they seem to just walk on a pre set path. As for AI titans...I find them mostly useless and my mouth waters when I see one because I know it's a free kill.

Bonus material (this is actually how I started our brief interview). I've spoken to Spencer many times before, hence the jocular familiarity...

Congrats Phil. Now fix the X1 OS. It sucks!

I was Tars to see the photo you got!

Well... Mr. Kojima and I will have to disagree.

Ubisoft's quote is hilarious:

I bet you get a warm, fuzzy feeling when you leak something and it turns out to be totally accurate.

How about an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan, please? Maybe a bit sacrilegious, but you could set it during the time of Christian missionary efforts to covert Japanese citizens to the faith with Templar subterfuge in the background. Could offer an alternate explanation as to why Christianity, and by association the

Personally I'll take the option that doesn't require me to spend several hundred on a new system.

This is idiotic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Origin at all. It works better than steam in a lot of areas, just with less features. Titanfall specifically barely uses Origin. It launches it, and it's how you manage your friends. The game itself uses Microsoft servers.

yes, this is some fan art that I did recently. Big fan of Robotech/macross