
Wow this generation sucks, especially the gamers. Everyone is a graphic whore now. This is nothing new. What you see at E3 will never bee the same as what you actually play. Games aren't optimized at that point and they are tasked with making the game LOOK GOOD. It's like with people. Looks may attract you, but what

I didn't really enjoy it but I'm glad you did.

"The PC version of the game remains unaffected." Problem solved.

I may be alone on this but I was hoping they were doing something else besides Batman.

Motion Sickness: The Experience: The Game™

so he's making a game with his daughter, and his daughter has a The Cheat t-shirt...

So now it exists, complete with actual logo. Doesn't look like Doom 4, just 'DOOM'. All hail the reboot revolution.

"another Call of Duty, but with a steampunk/horrir aspect." lol i worry about the future of gaming with people like you around.

Parts of this reminds me a lot of Unreal Tourment and the Quake games. Just very stylist. Which is a really good thing. I love those games, but design-wise I always found them boring to look at.

No, they explicitly blamed the problem on their own code not managing to properly acquire new servers. That's not a problem with Azure, it's a problem with the way they're interfacing with it. They've been very transparent through all of this.

Jesus. It's BETA TEST. That is a reason, why things like this exists. To TEST things.

"He sure can" - His bigger prison cellmate.

Pft, yeah, why would anyone play with toys when there are video games?

Why does it matter if it doesn't have female character models.

Funnily enough, those female character models in Call of Duty...Ghosts, was it? Were the same size as the male ones.

I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.

I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.

It's science.

Buying this right now!

Okay, as badass as all of the EVE online stories usually are, this bit from the devs takes the cake.

An in-game memorial for an entirely player-created event? THAT is what MMOs should be about!